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Pustaka Daring

Halaman ini memuat buku teke, halaman situs, serta sumberdaya daring lainnya yang diperlukan untuk belajar berpikir mengatasi masalah. Buku teks, halaman web dan sumberdaya daring tersebut akan ditambahkan seiring dengan kemajuan pelaksanaan kuliah.

Buku Teks
  1. Bassham, G., Irwin, W., Nardone, H., & Wallace, J. (2022). Critical Thinking: A Student’s Introduction (7th edition). McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages.
  2. Berger, W. (2016). A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas (Reprint edition). Bloomsbury USA.
  3. Browne, M. N., & Keeley, S. M. (2014). Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, 9th Edition. Prentice Hall.
  4. Cox, D. (2012). Creative Thinking For Dummies (1st edition). For Dummies.
  5. Elder, L., & Paul, R. (2019). The Thinker’s Guide to Analytic Thinking: How to Take Thinking Apart and What to Look for When You Do (2nd ed. edition). The Foundation for Critical Thinking.
  6. Government of Republic of Serbia, 2011. Guide to the Logical Framework Approach: A Key Tool For Project Cycle Management. Sarajevo: Government of Republic of Serbia
  7. Kallet, M. (2014). Think Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills (1st edition). Wiley.
  8. Lane, R. (2020). Logic & Analytical Thinking: Solve complex problems, become smarter and detect fallacies by Improving your rational thinking, your reasoning skills and your brain power. Independently published.
  9. NORAD, 1999. The Logical Framework Approach (LFA): Handbook for Objective-Oeriented Planning. Oslo: Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
  10. Proctor, T. (2021). Absolute Essentials of Creative Thinking and Problem Solving (1st edition). Routledge.
  11. Richards, T. (2015). Problem Solving: Best Strategies to Decision Making, Critical Thinking and Positive Thinking.
  12. Umhlaba Development Services 2017. Basic Introduction to Project Cycle Management Using the Logical Framework Approach. Johannesburg, South Africa: Umhlaba Development Services
  13. Umhlaba Development Services 2017. Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation Using the Logical Framework Approach. Johannesburg, South Africa: Umhlaba Development Services
  14. The World Bank, no date. The World Bank Logframe Handbook: A Logical Framework Aproach to Project Cycle Management. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
  15. USAID, 1979. The Logical Framework: A Manager’s Guide to a Scientific Approach to Design & Evaluation. Wshington, D.C.: US Agency for International development

Jurnal Ilmiah
  1. Couillard, J., Garon, S., & Riznic, J. 2009. The Logical Framework Approach–Millennium. Project Management Journal

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